Difput Henningeri
Vero linguam supinam depingi curavit,mufculos reflectos reclinavit fupra os Hyoides , unde idea fitus repletae funt. Ex malo situ pictoris ut latus dextrum longius fit, magis ad interiora declinet quam…
Sunt linguae humanae, a parte posteriori superiori. A) Epiglottis. B) Pars Cart. Thyroideae ruditer indicata. D) Trunci venarum dorsi linguae pofteriorum. E) Horum rami variis anastomosibus jun&ti, ad anteriora linguas…
TAB. II. Linguam, cum octo növis lateralibus du&tibus, in alterius generis glandulis sublingualibus majoribus latioribusque, fetis no tatis, exhibet. A A Setae in du&us Warthonianos immiffae. B B Primi da…
Portionem fiftit linguae, glandula primi generis seu tenuiore infrae, cum otto novis in utroque latere duyibus excretoriis, qui fetis indicantur. AA) Duktus Warthoniani. BB) Duktus novi anteriores glandulae sublingualis excretorii.…
Tab.1 Linguem a latere visam cum sublinguali glandula reclinatar fentat. A) Seta porcina, ductui Whartoniano inserta. * Integumentam oris sublinguale retra£tum. B) Sete novo inhaerens dudui sublinguali anteriori & Mercurio.diftento.…
Kidney whose ureter, pelvis, and infundibula, are very confiderably enlarged in consequence of a stricture in the urethra.
An enlarged prostate gland, particularly the valvular process, which has increased inwards into the bladder in form of a tumor, in confequence of which the water passed with difficulty, which…
The bladder and penis of a person who died of a mortification of the bladder in consequence of a stricture and stone in the urethra.
Fig I. A straight filver canula with the plug projecting beyond the termination of the canula, making a rounded end; at the other end of the wire is a small…
The penis flit open, showing a stricture in the urethra, about two inches from the glans; the stricture is but slight.