
Kidney whose ureter

Kidney whose ureter, pelvis, and infundibula, are very confiderably enlarged in consequence of a stricture in the urethra.

Prostate gland

An enlarged prostate gland, particularly the valvular process, which has increased inwards into the bladder in form of a tumor, in confequence of which the water passed with difficulty, which…

The bladder and penis

The bladder and penis of a person who died of a mortification of the bladder in consequence of a stricture and stone in the urethra.

Penis flit open

The penis flit open, showing a stricture in the urethra, about two inches from the glans; the stricture is but slight.

Urethra opened in two different places

One before the stricture, the other behind: the one before, is through the body of the penis; the other behind, is upon the anterior surface of the membraneous part, and…

Valvular part of the bladder

The valvular part of the bladder so increased as to form a considerable tumor, projecting into the cavity of the bladder. The prostate is also enlarged. This tumor had been…

Begónia Balmislana

Roseta masculina , de quatro pétalos y la femenina de cinco : los dos interiores enteros, angostos , prolongados y blancos , y los extes riores mas anchos , afestonados,…

Ágave Americano

De los vástagos ó bohordos del Maguey se aprovechan los Indios del Perú para techar los edificios, por ser de mucha resistencia y duración, sin que jamas lleguen a apolillarse.…

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