Esquema para la práctica de patologías de las vías urinarias.
Revista Española de ciencias médicas, Clínica y laboratorio, Tomo...
Kidney whose ureter, pelvis, and infundibula, are very confiderably...
An enlarged prostate gland, particularly the valvular process, which...
The bladder and penis of a person who died...
Two canulas for applying caustic to strictures in the urethra
Fig I. A straight filver canula with the plug...
The penis flit open, showing a stricture in the...
Urethra opened in two different places
One before the stricture, the other behind: the one...
The valvular part of the bladder so increased as...
Vías urinarias y reproductoras del hombre
Fig 1. Diversas partes del circuito urinario y reproductor....